► In the past: Czechoslovakia, Today: Czechia [chekiə]
is commonly used.
WEB links - name CzechiaMany examples here:
► Short country name is not Czech, but Czechia [ˈtʃɛkiə or tshekiya].
Some people call our country "Czech", which is wrong. „Czech“ is an adjective, the name of the inhabitant of Czechia and of the Czech language, but surely not the country name. English speakers do not use word French like a country name for France, Japanese for Japan or German for Germany.
UN databases and Czechia - official info here.
► Czechia is correct and officialy short name of the Czech Republic:
- in EU member-countries list (EUROSTAT)
- in ISO-3166 standards
- in United Nations world database of countries
- in EU Interinstitutional style guide
- in The World Factbook - Country database of CIA
- in United Nations
- in Google maps online
Czechia is a renewed english short name, which has been used for our country in English in the past. Wenceslaus Hajek Libočan. More info about history here.
► Pronunciation
Listen: English pronunciation of Czechia [chekiə]
1) https://dictionary.cambridge.org/pronunciation/english/czechia
2) https://cs.forvo.com/word/czechia/
3) https://youtu.be/cNznRxncOe4
4) https://youtu.be/PFvNbq-IaaQ
5) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRvB7qQwQA8
official short name of the Czech Republic.
It is advisable to use the short name of our country, regardless of the fact that most people, including many Czech politicians(!), refuse to use the short English version and do not like it. Czechia ismany slanders and myths that are still spreading about the name Czechia, although this name was unanimously recommended by many experts in history, linguistics, marketing, etc.
he reason of aversion isEvery republic of Europe prefers own short name - for example France or Italy (The French Republic, the Italian Republic etc.)
is not the sole republic in Europe.
Czechia (The Czech Republic)but that's no reason for his rejection. Feelings can not take precedence over the recommended and officially approved facts.
Czechia is maybe an uncommon name,► We have every right to the name Czechia. No fear. Czechia is older name than e.g. a name Chechnya.
"The Czech Republic" is only the current state-political unit. It is not short country name.
► Even the name "Czech" is not a short name of the state. "Czech" is only the Slavic language of the Czechs, or a native or inhabitant of Czechia or an adjective. The word Czechia doesn't have the same meaning as word Czech, like word Germany does not mean German, Britain not means British, and France not means French.
► The precisely and universal country name is CZECHIA
/check-i-ya/ in English. In czech language is it "ČESKO"."Česko = Czechia" ... Google Translate. Just as "Československo" was "Czechoslovakia".
► The Czechia is a country where Czechs live. The Czechia consists of three regions: Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. In the Czech language Czechia means Česko. Pronounce the name Czechia [chekiə] with "k" - like in words chemistry, architect, headache, Anchorage, Czechoslovakia, ... Czechia. Phrase "Česko = Czechia" in dictionary here.
CZECHIA or CZECH REPUBLIC? What do English speakers say?
Video - YouTube: https://youtu.be/CYFIttSQXYI
It is not always necessary to announce the political designation of a state-law arrangement to name a state (Republic, Kingdom, Sultanate).
The Czech Republic is only political name similar to Italian Republic, French Republic or Hellenic Republic.
But modern Republics use short names - France, Italy, Greece, Czechia. Call our country Czechia, please. Important: Pronounce the name Czechia with "k" - like in words chemistry, architect, headache, Anchorage, Czechoslovakia...
► Česko - translate to English
ČESKO = CZECHIA is in dictionaries

► Our country is Czechia!
The name Czechia is sole correct short name of the Czech Republic - the result of a long professional discussion, which ended in a clear victory of this name in the vote of experts in the field of linguistics, geography, history and marketing. Since 1993 Czechoslovakia (CS) not exists! It was divided into Czechia (CZ) and Slovakia (SK).
Chechnya supposedly confuses with Czechia. Really?
It is an ingrained mistake and intentionally damaging claims.
Abroad, contrary from this, they confuse political name the Czech Republic with the Chechen Republic.
► Precisely for this confusion occurred April 19, 2013, after the assassination of Marathon in Boston, when CNN reporter instead announced that the bomber was from Chechnya, he erroneously stated, that he was from the Czech Republic. About the name Czechia is not the point here!
BTW: Compare pronunciation, please: CZECHIA [tʃɛkiə] X CHECHNYA [tʃɛtʃniə] [Чечня́]
A small child says word Czechia very well!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFvNbq-IaaQ
Poor knowledge of country names or geography by some people should not be a reason for refusing a particular country name. There are numerous countries with more similar names than Czechia/Chechnya, such as Austria/Australia, Iran/Iraq, Slovakia/Slovenia etc. None of these countries has decided to give up its short name and use its political name exclusively because of possible confusion with another country (region). Czechia can be confused with Chechnya in the same way the Czech Republic can be confused with the Chechen Republic. The chance of actual confusion of Czechia and Chechnya is almost zero since Chechnya is not an independent country and does not act as a sovereign entity at the international scale.
► None of the republics in Europe is using their political name as a short one! Czechia is a short name, not a political one! Almost all countries have two official names – political (formal) name and a geographic (short) name.
Both names are official. While the political name is only applicable in official documents, such as international treaties and passports, the geographical name has its clearly defined natural function in all other cases.
► It's simple - almost every republic has a political name with the word "Republic" and a short name (geographic) without the word "Republic".
1) Political name (French Republic, Hellenic Republic, Czech Republic, Republic of Austria, Kingdom of Sweden, Swiss Confederation, etc.
2) Geographic name (France, Greece, Czechia, Austria, Sweden, Switzerland)
Prague Trips
► The name Czechia is not a new thought of present politicians!
The name Czechia is a name with a long tradition - see more. See also e.g.: The Daily News from the year 1939. More newspapers articles from history you can read here.
Czechia is a timeless country name - for culture, sport, fun, science, economic. It is not always necessary to announce the political designation of a state-law arrangement to name a state (Republic, Kingdom, Sultanate). The political regime "Republic" exists in Czechia only since 1918.
► Why is the name the Czech Republic not always applicable everywhere?
Because the Czech Republic is only a political name similar e.g. to names Italian Republic or French Republic. But modern Republics use short names - e.g. France or Italy. The lists of short names of countries must also include the short name Czechia. “Czech Republic” remains in use primarily in political contexts.
Amazing Czechia - Welcome in our country!
Czechia - The Heart of Europe!
► Why Czechia is interchangeable with Chechnya? Because exists nonsensical censorship of the name Czechia. Promote Czechia! Everyone must know, what Czechia is: official short name of the Czech Republic.
Most famous objection against Czechia: "Czechia easily confused with Chechnya". Solving: In order for Czechia not to be confused with Chechnya, it is necessary to promote the fact that the Czech Republic is Czechia and not Chechnya. For example, the name Russia is much more similar to the name of Croatia (than Czechia) and Croats having not a problem with this.
There are numerous countries with more similar names than Czechia/Chechnya, such as Austria/Australia, Iran/Iraq, Mali/Malawi, Niger/Nigeria, Gambia/Zambia, Slovakia/Slovenia etc. The chance of actual confusion of Czechia and Chechnya during various diplomatic, international scientific or sports events is almost zero since Chechnya is not an independent country and does not act as a sovereign entity at the international scale.
Let's repeat: Chechnya is not Czechia [ˈtʃɛkiə]! Everyone must know it!
► We must, therefore, be grateful for any promotion of the name Czechia and not criticize it. The short and easy-to-remember name Czechia makes great advertising and publicity for our country in the world.
► Official translation of the word ČESKO = CZECHIA in dictionaries:
► Who is the hero and who the coward? And who is the expert, and who the amateur?
To use the name of the Czech Republic in lists of short names is manifestly flawed and therefore unprofessional. Political long name Czech Republic fits only among the other long names of states such as the Slovak Republic, the French Republic or the Italian Republic. The one who has found it out now has a chance to show its wisdom, independence and courage by starting to use without fear name our country - in English Czechia, in French Tchéquie, in German Tschechien, in Spanish Chequia, etc. Similar like other countries for example (Slovakia, France, Italy). Whoever understands and accepts these facts will continue to be considered a top professional in all aspects.
► The name Czechia is commonly used - see more web links.
recommended by many experts and approved by the Czech Government. (Czechia is also put in United Nations official list of country names and more world databases and standards...) The Czech Republic is the only a political name.
Czechia is the current valid country short name of the Czech Republic
► Do you know the name "the Czech Republic"? And are you use this complicated name?
It is not always necessary to announce the political designation of a state-law arrangement to name a state (Republic, Kingdom, Sultanate). The Czech Republic is very cold phrases...It is only the political name of our country - similar to the Italian Republic, French Republic, or former ugly political name of our country before dividing: "The Czechoslovak Socialist Republic". Short (geographical) name of our country in the present time is modern name with forgotten tradition - Czechia. Other republics also use short names - Italy, France or former famous short name our country in the past: "Czechoslovakia"(1918-1992).
► Alleged non-democratic vote about the name Czechia? No, only bad promotion and apathy of politicians.
It's not a question of the amateur vote in the referendum. In 1993, following the legal procedure of place names codification, 55 experts (linguists, historians, geographers and others) codified Czechia as the English translation of Česko. The experts unequivocally recommended the use of “Czechia” in English and its variants in other languages (Tschechien, Tchéquie, Chequia etc.). This is not an opinion but the outcome of the process of standardization.
The Czech Republic is not the sole (only one) republic in Europe!
Czechia and other republics:
France French Republic
Greece Hellenic Republic
Czechia Czech Republic
Slovakia Slovak Republic
Italy Italian Republic
Slovenia Republic of Slovenia
Germany Federal Republic of Germany
Austria Republic of Austria
Finland Republic of Finland
Poland Republic of Poland
Croatia Republic of Croatia
Albania Republic of Albania
Bulgaria Republic of Bulgaria
Kosovo Republic of Kosovo
Macedonia Republic of Macedonia
Moldova Republic of Moldova
Serbia Republic of Serbia
Turkey Republic of Turkey
Czechia is increasingly being used in similar indexes. Some recent examples:
Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps
Google Earth: https://www.google.com/earth/
Czechia will be used in all European Union publications following the belated change in the EU Interinstitutional Style Guide: https://publications.europa.eu/code/en/en-370100.htm and https://publications.europa.eu/code/en/en-000300.htm
2018 World Population Data Sheet: https://assets.prb.org/pdf17/2017_World_Population.pdf
2018 Human Development Index: https://www.hdr.undp.org/en/2018-update
2018 European Demographic Data Sheet: https://www.oeaw.ac.at/vid/data/demographic-data-sheets/european-demographic-data-sheet-2018/
Short name Czechia is a better brand than formal name the Czech Republic.
People still remember Czechoslovakia (and not a formal name - the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic!) There is no better proof of the fact, that the formal name was never a "brand" and never can be one. People don't remember the formal names, just the short ones. Calling a country with 1200 years of history (Czechia) by a name 25 years old (Czech Republic) is a short-sighted bad habit. But it is a problem of us Czechs! There is no other country in Europe with such a bad branding, completely scattered, but what can you do if the state tourism agency is run by people with no idea about marketing! And they don't want to acknowledge their mistake.
Small child says word Czechia very well!:
List of translations of the name Czechia / Czech Republic:
Language: Short name - Formal Name
English: Czechia - Czech Republic
Arabic, تشيكيا : لتشيك - الجمهورية التشيكية
Czech language: Česko - Česká republika
Chinese , 中国: 捷克 - 捷克共和国
French, Le français: Tchéquie (la) - République tchèque
Italian, Italiano: Cechia - Repubblica Ceca
German, Deutsch: Tschechien - Tschechische Republik
Russian, русский: Чехия - Чешская Республика
Spanish, Español: Chequia - República Checa
► WEB LINKS - the name Czechia is commonly used:
In English we are Czechia!
Source: List of translations from Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic to the EU, Ambassador Jakub Dürr
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czechia (Czech Republic)
Czechia: English speakers told to use a new name for the Czech Republic
In English, we are Czechia
13 June 2016, Rudolf Šrámek, eng Jana Doleželová
In international communication, the Czech Republic has long had its one-word names, so it’s useless to argue – but we somehow failed to take note of them.
When the Czech Republic was established as a new European country, international communication was quick to come up with a “shortened” name. But we failed to take note of that. We keep arguing and making communication more difficult.
Recently, there has been a new wave of interest among the public, media, politicians, business people, and others regarding a problem that has been on and off the scene ever since the Czech Republic was established. The problem consists of a shorter version of the name of our country.
Experts in proper names together with the Geographic Names Authority of the State Administration of Land Surveying and Cadastre issued a proposal to call the Czech Republic Česko in the Czech language as a short form in 1993, with the support of several civic organisations as well as some public support. This is no neologism. The name was first recorded in 1777 and is formed properly, just like Slovensko (Slovakia), Polsko (Poland), Švédsko (Sweden), etc. Nevertheless, it took almost 20 years before the name really took hold. Nowadays, it works well in internal (Czech) communication.
Unfortunately, a short name for international communication remained an unresolved issue. As the overwhelming majority of international communication today is in English, Czechia was suggested as the short version. There were three main factors supporting this decision: 1) Czechia is attested since 1604; 2) it covers the historical Czech lands of Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia; and 3) many proper names in English end in -ia (Austria, Australia, Slovakia, Romania, historically also Anglia, etc.).
However, Czechia as a name has continued to be questioned for reasons that seem to be surprisingly unaware of the formation, codification, and usage of names of countries and that strongly underestimate the representative and “labelling” function of a one-word name of our country in other languages.
As a consequence, our ice-hockey team won the 1998 Winter Olympics in Nagano with jerseys that said “Czech” and creating a name for the country became a playground for popular creativity and imagination. The suggestions included names like Bohemosia or Čechomors – as in Čechy (Bohemia), Morava (Moravia), and Slezsko (Silesia). That would result in the tongue-twisting adjective českomoršský and our citizens would be called Českomoršané! The primary name of every country is its “full” name, which usually includes information about its system of government (Slovenská republika, Republik Österreich, Kongeriget Danmark, Türkyie Cumhuriyeti) and which is official, binding, and codified by legislation, even in its translations (Slovak Republic, Republic of Austria, Kingdom of Denmark, Republic of Turkey). This “full” name is used primarily in political and diplomatic documents, in treaties, and in other official texts and occasionally also on maps.
However, “full names” are not suitable for everyday communication, and therefore we have “short names” such as Slovakia, Austria, Denmark, Turkey, etc.
“Short names” are, in accordance with international usage, just as officially valid as “full names”, if they are included in UN documents and in the agenda of the United Nations Conferences on the Standardization of Geographical Names. It is quite often the case that people hardly know the “full name” at all, let alone in the original language: the official name of Macedonia is the Republic of Macedonia. The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
Short names are very frequent in international communication. Their English versions are used in banking, meteorological services, international registration of patents, ISO systems, flight dispatching service, the post, most maps, registers of EU places and regions, localisation of international ranking of universities, the tourism industry, etc.
When the Czech Republic was established as a new European country, international communication was quick to come up with “shortened” names. The German Tschechien, English Czechia, French Tchéquie, Danish Tjekkiet, Russian Čechija etc. all began to appear as early as 1993. But we failed to take note of that. We keep arguing and making communication more difficult.
If somebody out in the wider world asks you “Where are you from?”, say that you’re “from Czechia”. You will help to improve the reputation of your homeland in communication networks.
The author works as a professor at the Department of Czech Language and Literature, Faculty of Education, Masaryk University.
Source: https://www.online.muni.cz/en/science/7740-in-english-we-are-czechia
Official recommendations from Czech Government - How to Use the Short Country name "Czechia"
Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czechia (Czech Republic)
"The use of SHORT country name CZECHIA is recommended in the following cases: Cultural, social, scientific, sports, economic and other presentations, and e.g. in speeches by political representatives (unless the speech is made on a highly formal occasion), presentations by public figures representing cultural, social, scientific, sports, economic or other national interests etc."
Attachment here: https://www.mzv.cz/file/2171932/czechia.doc
With other countries is not exist problem with short country names. Important is, that every republic and every kingdom of Europe prefers short country name. We are Czechia - since Century XVI. Czechia includes Bohemia and Moravia. Czechia is a maybe an uncommon name, but that's no reason for his rejection. Feelings can not take precedence over the right facts. We prefer logic and reason, not feelings and myths. Czechia is a country with a thousand-year tradition. The Republic is a political regime only a few years old. Official info of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic - read here.
► Censorship
Attention! In the Czech Republic is censored official, non-political, short name Czechia. This name among other things is a symbol of freedom and independence from the political situation. An Attack against name Czechia is an attack against freedom of speech.
► From Bohemia to Czechia
Jiří Šitler, diplomat and historian: "While Bohemia would have been a historically sound option, it doesn´t correspond with the formal name, and moreover, it is now commonly used only in the narrow sense, as the name of Bohemia proper, not including Moravia and Silesia. The name Czechia has a decent pedigree dating back to at least 1602. It isn´t intended to replace the Czech Republic, but it will hopefully replace the awkward formula „what´s now the Czech Republic“ in historical and geographical contexts". (Source: Český rozhlas, 12.7.2016).
► The entire interesting opinion of diplomat and historian Jiří Šitler - read more here.
Amiable people promote name Czechia
YouTube ► Trip of Two Free Guys, Karlstejn Castle, Czechia.
The short country name was 5-th July 2016 included
in the UNTERM (United Nations Terminology Database) ...
... and in the UNGEGN (United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names)
Czechia is a standard short name of the country - similar to names of other countries or regions: Slovakia, Slovenia, Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia, Croatia, Austria or former name of our country: Czechoslovakia. According to the law, Czechia [ˈtʃɛkiə] /chek-i-ja/ is a correct official English geographic name of the country with the actual political name the Czech Republic. The Government approves a request to enter the short country name “Česko”/”Czechia” in UN databases, 2-nd May 2016. Link here.
Not Czechoslovakia - Today We Are Czechia [ˈtʃɛkiə]
From one famous country name originated two new big names – two new countries. Already in 1993. Once upon a time: CZECHOSLOVAKIA Currently: CZECHIA & SLOVAKIA. Logical change of name. Video HERE.
CZECHIA in UNGEGN database "United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names.
CZECHIA in the World Fact Book CIA
Why Czechia? We are not the only Czech Republic - we have older history than since year 1993!
Is bizarre to call a country with 1200 years of history by a political name which is here as state since 1993 :-)
We need the name Czechia for describing history! For example, Charles IV was not king of the Czech Republic.
The political name of a country (Czech Republic) is transient and ignores the historic continuity of a given state territory because it is limited only to the existing state form. In the case of the Czech Republic, it is incorrect and impractical to use its political name for various state forms that had existed on its territory before 1993, thus before the existence of the current state form. As such, the political name can never fully replace a permanent geographic name (Czechia) that does not change in response to changing state forms in a particular territory. The need for a short name is demonstrated by the fact that the Czech Republic is often erroneously shortened to Czech, Czech rep., CR, C. Rep. or Czecho. In many cases, foreigners continue to use the name Czechoslovakia, although the country has not existed since 1993. “Made in the Czech Republic” has failed to become a familiar brand around the world.
News about word Czechia
by Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with Czech Radio - Radio Prague:
Incorrect and unfair question: What sounds better?
Someone says, that the Czech Republic sounds better than "Czechia"... It is a strange opinion. The Italian Republic sounds also better than Italy? And the French Republic sounds also better than France? Really?
Czechia sounds proudly
Terrible opinion: "The Czech Republic has supposedly style. And elegance... Sounds bold and proudly! Czechia sounds like some shitty plastic toy made in Russia...
Answer (Right opinion):
Is it a joke? Does the Republic have style and elegance??? Hungary was also a republic and deleted it from the name. Today is just Hungary. No problem. The short name has style. Republic not. We don´t compare our country with banana or communist republics (the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central African Republic etc.) Czechia sounds proud - like Czechoslovakia, Bohemia+Moravia+Silesia, Austria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Valencia... They are also plastic toys from Russia???
A geographic name Czechia (Česko in the Czech language - [ˈt͡ʃɛsko]) follows up the well-known name of the former state in the area - Czechoslovakia. Short name of the Czech Republic is just Czechia. Why not Bohemia, or Czech? Because Bohemia is only part of Czechia and Czech is citizen, language or adjective. Not country. Our country is Czechia, spell [ˈtʃɛkiə].
The name Czechia is used! - WEB links:
1) YR.NO
2) Meteox.com
3) The Weather Outlook.com
4) Meteonews.ch
Footbal (Socker)
Ice Hockey
Ball Hockey
International Kin-Ball Federation:
Promote to short country name Czechia from chairman P.J.Hammel (in English):
Czechia and Embassy of Czechia
USA (US Ambassador) IN CZECHIA
Andrew Schapiro - US Ambassador to the Czechia promote short state name
Czechia, Embassy ... and sport
Journalist Hayes Brown on a popular website Buzzfeed wrote a nice summary:
Other interesting Links
A Guide To Teaching English In Czechia
Průvodce k výuce angličtiny v Česku
1) https://mbc.uh.cz/
2) https://
Examples - companies with name Czechia here
Days are numbered for the Czech Republic
The British government will start referring to Czechia rather than the Czech Republic, following advice from an official committee. The Permanent Committee on Geographical Names “establishes and applies the principles by which foreign geographical names (toponyms) should be written”. It is now advising use of Czechia in place of the Czech Republic.
Geography Now! We are Czechia / Czech Republic:
Angloitalian Follow Us: 5 Travel Tips for Prague
Travel-bug.photos: Nice Prospects
Info about the name Czechia
No myths, just true - Go, Czechia!
The Czech Republic should be called Czechia
Many countries have long, flamboyant names. One of the worst offenders is The United States of America. What a mouthful! Fortunately, we have shorter versions (USA or America). Other countries with long-winded names have a short alternative: The People’s Republic of China (China or PRC), The Russian Federation (Russia), and The Republic of Moldova (Moldova). Unfortunately, the Czech Republic hasn’t popularized a catchy word to call itself.
In an effort to promote one, we’ll use the best candidate: Czechia.
That way, when someone asks, “Where are you going?” or “What country makes the best beer?” you can say, Czechia, instead of the Czech Republic. Czechia! If it is a republic, kingdom or whatever is not substantial.
Tip: TOWARDS CZECHIA - Dynamic identity of the destination brand
YouTube: Czechia, not "Czech"
From Bohemia to Czechia
Czech vs Czechia
Tourist Guide of Czechia:
The myths and facts about the short English name of the Czech Republic
Myth No. 1: Czechia is an unknown and possibly grammatically incorrect short name for the Czech Republic. Czechia is rarely used in English because native English speakers do not like to use it.
Fact: The Terminological Committee of the Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadaster officially codified Czechia in 1993 in its publication “Names of States and their Territorial Parts”. Therefore, Czechia is the grammatically correct short name of the Czech Republic and the English translation of Česko (the short name of the country in Czech). Czechia is not well known and infrequently used because the Czech state and its institutions have not used it despite recommendations issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education in the 1990s. A short country name that is not used by the state itself and by its institutions cannot become well known and recognized abroad.
Myth No. 2: German, Russian, Chinese and other foreign languages have spontaneously used their translation of the short name Česko. However, the Czech Republic has become widespread in English-speaking countries. It is pointless to try to convince the English-speaking world about using Czechia as a short country name for the Czech Republic.
Fact: The Czechs have to start using their short country name first, after which English speakers will adopt it in a way similar to the way they adopted short country names such as Belarus, Zimbabwe, Bangladesh, Eritrea or Myanmar. These countries adopted and let the world know their proper short names. The Czechs need to do the same.
Myth No. 3: Czechia is unofficial and has not been approved because Česko is not mentioned in the Czech constitution.
Fact: A short country name does not have to be spelt out in the Constitution. Československo (Czechoslovakia) was not mentioned in the Czechoslovak Constitution either.
Myth No. 4: The name Czechia is a neologism.
Fact: The first recorded use of Czechia was in 1634 in Latin and in 1841 in English. Other historic evidence of the use Czechia in English is from 1856 and 1866 in the Australian press. U.S. newspapers commonly used Czechia between 1918 and 1960 to refer to the western part of Czechoslovakia (as opposed to Slovakia, its eastern part) i.e. to the contemporary Czech Republic.
Myth No. 5: Czechia is not a word. It sounds strange.
Fact: Czechia is originally derived from Latin, which is common for numerous other country names in English, such as Austria, Australia, Croatia, Virginia, California, Indonesia, Slovakia, Latvia, Colombia and many more, also including Czech geographic names such as Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. Czechia might sound strange to some people but so do numerous geographic names derived from foreign languages that are commonly used in English, such as Idaho, Utah, Massachusetts, Lithuania, Zimbabwe, and Belarus.
Myth No. 6: A short geographic name (Czechia) is unnecessary. A political name (the Czech Republic) is sufficient.
Fact: The political name of a country is transient and ignores the historical continuity of a given state territory because it is limited only to the existing state form. In the case of the Czech Republic, it is incorrect to use its political name for various state forms that had existed on its territory before 1993. As such, the political name can never fully replace a permanent geographic name that does not change in response to changing state forms in a particular territory. The use of a contemporary political name for a period before the existence of the current state form is incorrect and impractical. The need for a short name is demonstrated by the fact that the Czech Republic is often erroneously shortened to Czech, Czech rep., CR, C. Rep. or Czecho. In many cases, foreigners continue to use the name Czechoslovakia, although the country has not existed since 1993, and even Czech businessmen have attempted to restore the brand “Made in Czechoslovakia” since “Made in Czech Republic” has failed to become a familiar brand around the world.
Myth No. 7: Czechia is an inappropriate and imprecise historical name because the Czech state had not used it in the past and has used different names instead.
Fact: Other countries, such as Egypt, Greece and Poland, use short geographic names despite the fact that they experienced major territorial changes in the past and had various names throughout their history. Being a neutral country name, Czechia can be used in historic, cultural and spiritual contexts. The transparency and relative simplicity of a short country name will facilitate its international acceptance.
Myth No. 8: There are other countries that exclusively use political names without any problems. Examples include the Dominican Republic or the Central African Republic.
Fact: Although that is true, the vast majority of countries use short geographic names. The Dominican Republic and the Central African Republic are the only two countries in the entire world that do not have readily available short names. With Czechia being standardized and readily available as a short name, the Czech Republic is not the same case. Furthermore, the history of Czech statehood is much longer than its republican political system. Czechia can be applied throughout the entire history of Czech statehood and irrespective of its actually existing political system.
Myth No. 9: The name change from the Czech Republic to Czechia would be too expensive and overall harmful by interrupting
the continuity of the Czech Republic. The Czechs need to worry about much more important problems than their short country name in English.
Fact: No change in the country name is involved since the Czech Republic as a political name remains in place and unchanged. The Czech Republic will still be used in situations such as matters of national and international diplomatic protocol and international treaties. It is more appropriate to use Czechia in situations when other countries use their short names. The introduction and the use of Czechia instead of the Czech Republic in these situations can be done gradually with no or minimum expense during the update of the country’s promotional materials. Any additional expense will pay for itself in the form of increased international recognition of the country because of its clear and unambiguous name, including its international brand name “Made in Czechia”.
Myth No. 10: Czechia has the same meaning as Bohemia. Czechia thus excludes the regions of Moravia and (Czech) Silesia from the Czech state.
Fact: The same wrong argument can be made that the Czech Republic does not include Moravia and (Czech) Silesia in its name and the same could be said about the Czech lands. Czechia covers exactly the same geographic area as the Czech Republic and it is therefore composed of Bohemia, Moravia and (Czech) Silesia. Although Czechia was originally also used as a synonym for Bohemia, it has not been used in this sense since the beginning of the 20th century. Since then Czechia has been used to denote the entire territory inhabited by the Czech speaking population, which is composed of three historic Czech lands: Bohemia, Moravia and (Czech) Silesia.
Myth No. 11: Czechia is less representative than the Czech Republic and it is confusing because it is ambiguous.
Fact: Undemocratic and authoritarian regimes around the world have frequently included “republic” in their country names in order to increase their legitimacy. As such, the term “republic” has lost its former glamour during the 20th century. Czechia [ˈtʃɛkiə] is unambiguous in both spoken and written English. As a matter of fact, the Czech Republic [tʃɛk rɪˈpʌb.lɪk] is much more ambiguous than Czechia since the term “Czech” [tʃɛk] is pronounced the same way as check and cheque, which have several meanings as a noun and verb in spoken English, while “republic” is ambiguous because it is used in political names of the majority of countries.
Myth No. 12: Czechia [tʃɛkiə] can by pronounced as [tʃɛtʃiə].
Fact: If this was the case then “Czech” [tʃɛk] could be pronounced as [tʃɛtʃ]. There are numerous words in English (286 to be exact) in which “ch” is pronounced as [k] and not [tʃ] and are pronounced similarly as “Czech” [tʃɛk], such as architect, ache, anarchy, anchor, chemistry, chaos, epoch, and mechanism. English pronunciation is variable and English speakers simply have to learn the pronunciation of particular words, such as blood – mood or head – steam.
Myth No. 13: Czechia is an unsuitable short name for the Czech Republic because it can be easily confused with Chechnya.
Fact: Poor knowledge of country names or geography by some people should not be a reason for refusing a particular country name. There are numerous countries with more similar names than Czechia/Chechnya, such as Austria/Australia, Iran/Iraq, India/Indonesia, Mali/Malawi, Niger/Nigeria, Gambia/Zambia, Slovakia/Slovenia and even Georgia/Georgia (a U.S. state). None of these countries has decided to give up its short name and use its political name exclusively because of a possible confusion with another country (region). Czechia can be confused with Chechnya in the same way the Czech Republic can be confused with the Chechen Republic. The chance of actual confusion of Czechia and Chechnya during various diplomatic, international scientific or sports events is almost zero since Chechnya is not an independent country and does not act as a sovereign entity at the international scale.
Myth No. 14: Czechia is too similar to German „Tschechei“ that was used by Nazi Germany as a derogatory name for the occupied Czech territory during the Second World War.
Fact: Czechia is unrelated to the German term „Tschechei“ … and these two terms are pronounced differently in English and German. Although Germans had used “Tschechei” before the Nazi period, Czechia had been used many years before Germans first used “Tschechei”. Today, “Tschechei” is rarely used in Germany because Germans use „Tschechien“. If “Tschechei” is used it does not need to be necessarily viewed as a pejorative term since it was created in a similar way as names for other countries in German, such as Slowakei and Türkei.
Myth No. 15: The selection of the proper short country name must be the outcome of a democratic public discussion.
Fact: The November 2014 statement of the Terminological Committee of the Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre states: “According to the article 3 of Act 1994/200 on Land Surveying, the standardization of names of settlement and non-settlement units is a land surveying activity in public interest and its results and recommendations should be followed by national and local state institutions. The position of the Terminological Committee of the Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre, an advisory authority of the Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre for the codification of country names, on the use of the name Česko and its foreign language variants (Czechia, Tschechien, Tchéquie, Chequia…) is positive. This position on the use of one-word name Česko and its equivalents in foreign languages has not changed since 1993. The experts unequivocally recommended the use of “Czechia” in English and its variants in other language (Tschechien, Tchéquie, Chequia etc.). This is not an opinion but the outcome of the process of standardization.” – This decision about the name “Czechia” has been made by those who are qualified by law to make it.
Source: Vladimír Hirsch, Petr Pavlínek, Zdeněk Kukal
© Czechia Civic Initiative, Praha, December 2014
A geographic name Czechia follows up well known name of the former state in the area - Czechoslovakia. List of States in United Nations (UNGEGN): Slovak Republic, short name: Slovakia. Czech Republic, short name: Czechia. Logical, correct, recommended, approved!
Czechia - Main Ideas:
A vast majority of states have two official denominations: a political one and a geographical one. Such texts as the constitution, the laws and the international treaties will certainly prefer the political title which implies the type of the country’s system of government (in English, for example, the Kingdom of Belgium, the Portuguese Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany, etc.). Under these names, the states also enter international organizations. In everyday practice, however, the information about the type of government is redundant, stylistically affected, and therefore the shorter, geographical name (Belgium, Portugal, Germany) is used everywhere: in the entire field of news services, business, transport, tourism, sports, and even in the international organizations.
In this country, up to 1993, the adequate pair of names were Československá [socialistická; federativní] republika (the Czechoslovak [Socialist; Federal] Republic) and Československo (Czechoslovakia); after the division of the state they are Česká republika (the Czech Republic) and Česko (Czechia, pronounced [tshekiya]). The latter pair of names, Česká republika / Czech Republic and Česko / Czechia, each of them answering to its specific purpose, are standard codified expressions both in Czech and other languages. (See the Academy dictionary Slovník spisovné češtiny pro školu a veřejnost, 2nd ed., Prague 1994, p.627; Names of States and Their Territorial Parts, Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre, Prague 1993; technical standard ČSN EN ISO 3166-1, Prague 1999; Memorandum of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 26 February, 1993; Gazette of the Ministry of Education, 5 October, 1999.)
Some of the foreign-language versions of the one-word name Česko, especially the German (Tschechien), the Dutch (Tsjechië), the Danish (Tjekkiet), the Swedish (Tjeckien), the Norwegian (Tsjekkia), the Russian and the Bulgarian (Čekia), the Romanian (Cehia) became accepted usage almost immediately and without difficulties. Unlike these, the English version Czechia needs stronger support. Although it appears on maps in the Internet, in some dictionaries and other publications, most Czech representatives in the English speaking countries still avoid the name Czechia and use only the political title Czech Republic irrespective of the context (stylistic adequacy), which is a deviation from international customs. The reason that the word Czechia is not known in Great Britain and the USA but they hardly do anything to make it known. On the other hand, native speakers argue that the Czechs themselves do not use the name Czechia in their English conversation. Nevertheless, the need for a one-word denomination is unwittingly felt even in this case and, as a result, there appears the absurd “abbreviation” Czech (for example, Gillette Czech, Made in Czech, “Czech” on the oufit of national sporting teams) or even the name Bohemia, which is absolutely inadequate because it only means the western part of Czechia (omitting Moravia and Silesia).
Naturally, it is the citizens themselves who should promote the correct and meaningful name of the Czech state in all relevant languages. But also their foreign partners can offer them essential help if they do not hesitate to use the geographical name Czechia (Tchéquie, Tschechien, Chequia, Cechia...) both in their public speeches and in private conversations.
The Civic Initiative Česko / Czechia
Prague, April 21, 2016
Press Release of the Civic Initiative Česko/Czechia regarding the notification of the United Nations of the geographic name Czechia
1. The Czech Republic is not being renamed to Czechia. The political name ‘the Czech Republic’ remains in place.
Czechia will be the official geographic (short) name that will exist along with the Czech Republic.
2. The relationship of the Czech Republic/Czechia is similar to that of the former Czechoslovak
Republic/Czechoslovakia. The English name ‘Czechoslovakia’ had never been approved in a referendum or by the
Czechoslovak parliament.
3. The geographic name Czechia was recommended and approved by 55 experts of the Terminological Committee
for Geographic Names in 1993 (the list of names is available).
4. The first historic mention of Czechia is in Latin in 1602 and perhaps earlier (the evidence is available).
5. The geographic name for the Czech Republic is already used in other languages, such as Tschechien in German,
Tsjechië in Dutch, Tsjekkia in Norwegian, Tjeckien in Swedish, Tjekkiet in Danish, Чехия (Chekhiya) in Russian and
many more.
6. The geographic name Czechia does not ignore Moravia and (Czech) Silesia as it is composed of Bohemia, Moravia
and (Czech) Silesia. However, Bohemia alone ignores Moravia and (Czech) Silesia.
7. The vast majority of countries have short geographic names listed with the United Nations, which allows for
their standardization, consistent use and prevents mistakes. The Czech Republic is mistakenly shortened to
Czech, Czech Rep., CR, C. Rep., Czecho.
8. The confusion with Chechnya at the international stage is close to zero since Chechnya is not an independent
country. People have to learn Czechia as they learned Czechoslovakia after 1918.
9. The cost of the introduction of Czechia is negligible. The Czech Republic will not have to return any subsidies to
the European Union.
10. The inclusion of Czechia in the United Nation’s list of geographic country names is an important step in the
development of the international brand Czechia as Czechoslovakia used to be.
Further details are available at www.go-czechia.com.
Sure, name Czechia is a better name - universal and flexible. The political name of a country (Czech Republic) is transient and ignores the historical continuity. It is logical - in the past we were CZECHOSLOVAKIA - and from this famous country name originated two new big names – two new countries. Already in 1993: CZECHIA & SLOVAKIA. Czech Republic is not the only republic in Europe. We are not only Czech Republic - We have older history!!!
►YouTube: Lost in Czechia & Slovakia X Alan Watts
... Thank you for your using name Czechia. Very well! Czech Republic has short name Czechia and more and more people support it. No problem. Every Republic in Europe has short name. Read more: https://czechia-cesko.webnode.cz/english/
► Czech Government says: Yes! (2016)
The Completion of Translations of the Short Name „Česko /Czechia“ 14-th April 2016
Hyde-park (opinions)
I think its important to have a one-word name for a country, because otherwise its kinda awkward to speak about it in historical context, without having to constantly change and choose the name based on the government form of any particular period in history, like Duchy of Bohemia, Kingdom of Bohemia, Lands of the Bohemian Crown, Czechoslovakia or Czech Republic. It might be kinda impossible situation even, if you want to state some fact that is common throughout the entire history of the country, like which name do you actually choose in such case? Bohemia? Well not really, its kinda anachronistic and doesn't apply after 1918. And Czech Republic isnt much better, it only exists since 1993, so applying the name when speaking about more distant past doesn't make any sense. I notice this situation every once in a while in foreign english based media, where they just like skip over the country, because of the confusing name situation, whereas if there was a clear situation like in case of France or Germany, they would have mentioned Czechia.
Sport and Czechia? Absolutely Yes! The name Czechia is commonly used.
Promote to short country name Czechia from International Kin-Ball Federation:
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